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Sciolytix Services

What is UPtick?

UPtick is a practice simulator for salespeople that delivers engaging 3D simulations reflecting the real-life customer interactions they face. Like a batting cage, UPtick gives reps the opportunity to repeatedly practice these interactions in a safe place to develop critical thinking skills and judgment essential for their success.

UPtick's Unique Value

A powerful practice tool that measures and addresses the 13 selling skills that drive success, UPtick uniquely:
Engages and develops sales reps through simulations that reflect the common selling situations they face in remote selling.
Identifies each rep’s specific strengths and deficiencies through Deep ScoringTM to enable sales leaders to focus and easily personalize coaching efforts.
Offers consistent, actionable feedback through our Al-driven virtual coach
Drives excitement and accountability through gamification and leaderboards.
Integrates seamlessly with your existing sales training stack and adds 16 instructor-led training sessions to ensure your team’s success.

Why UPtick?

Our platform’s effectiveness has been proven by earning four coveted Brandon Hall Awards for Best Advance in Unique Sales Enablement Tech, Gaming or Simulation Tech, Sales Training Online Application, and Emerging Sales Enablement Tech. UPtick solves several talent-related challenges sales organizations face with cutting-edge simulations and the integration of award-winning instructor-led training.

John Hancock Case Study

Financial Services Case Study

Who Benefits?

✓ Hiring Managers
Pre-hire assessments help you get the right people.

✓ New Sales Reps
Better, faster onboarding means less time to revenue.

✓ Veteran Sales Reps
Establish baseline development areas; practice in a safe, unsupervised environment at your own pace; improve cognitive skills, Selling Behaviors, Selling Judgment.

✓ Sales Managers and Leaders
Quota Prediction; at-a-glance view into your sales team’s capabilities, identifying reps and their skills that need the most attention.


Other Services


Guidance and support for an individual executive or the entire executive team acting as a sounding board and facilitator.


ADVISE + coaching and support on a one-to-one or one to many within the same functional team. This can include field sales management assistance and leadership development that focuses on gaining commitment and traction towards agreed to transformation.

Interim Executive

ADVISE AND CONSULT + direct leadership responsibility, on a full or part time basis, in the areas of operations, sales or marketing. In a coaching role, this can be very effective in ensuring recommended changes are implemented and falling back into the comfort zone does not occur.

Custom Training/Keynote Speaker

Available to lead discussions on sales challenges, team development, Myers Briggs for team, millennial development, leadership in a time of ambiguity and more.


The utilization of tools such as assessments and experiential learning to uncover, unlock and develop the individual talents within the organization. Enablement of learning management systems (LMS) to enhance the capabilities of your employees through socialized learning, personalized learning paths and gamification.


What's in a Name?

The company name, Position 2 Process, is based on a simple but important principle. Be it gaining a dominant market share or occupying a seat in the executive suite, identifying the objective (position) is only the starting point. We assist our clients in identifying new processes – potentially beyond out-of-the-box thinking to introducing new boxes – for entering new markets, introducing new products, climbing the corporate ladder or getting beyond a plateau. We do everything from advising to taking a hands on approach in assisting clients to identify, take action, measure and adjust processes that lead to success.

Not many organizations and even fewer individuals strike lightning and invent the equivalent of the next toaster or sliced bread. It does happen. Companies with unique offerings but little market share have been acquired for amazing amounts but this is not a reliable strategy and why position or assuming the market or other will easily figure out a product or company value rarely results in success.




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Discover Position 2 Process.

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